Kickstarter Video Narration

The Kickstarter campaign video is your first opportunity to introduce yourself – and your product – to potential backers. Crowdfunding backers are interested in not JUST the product, but the story. They want to feel like part of the process, and your video can show them how.

- Eventys Marketing

Is your Kickstarter video awesome? Would it make you back the project?

Voiceover is usually one of the last things considered in video production, and that’s a mistake. Good narration can make up for so-so video…incredible video will never make up for bad sound.

(Go ahead…try to listen to a podcast with an awesome guest and crappy sound.)

Quality voiceover for your Kickstarter video is more affordable than you think. It doesn’t have to break the bank or tank your campaign goals.

I offer discounted voiceover rates for Kickstarter and IndieGoGo projects without sacrificing quality.

Contact me today about your project.

How can voiceover help your Kickstarter video?

  • A tutorial about how your game or product works

  • An introduction to your campaign done in a character’s voice

  • An explanation (with gravitas) of how your campaign will change the world